Tělo za FO

Tělo za FO

Tělo za FO

category: Homosexuals

Opening hours
PO: Nonstop
out: Nonstop
ST: Nonstop
ČT: Nonstop
BYE: Nonstop
SO: Nonstop
PO: Nonstop

Age: 25

Hair: Black

Height: 175

Weight: 60

Breast: Not specified

Sign: Not specified

Orientation: Homo

City: Vyškov

Region: Jihomoravský kraj

Show on map

Telephone: +420

E-mail: Write a message

Photo: 0

Videos: 0

We are
... On erotic social network!
Messenger, videos, photos ...!

Ahoj...Mám 24 let,60 kg ...hledám 18-35 let muže kterému bych mohl nabídnout své tělo...líbání,mazlení,anál,onanie..kdyžtak napiš do e-mailu a domluvíme se. S pozdravem David - doskocil18@seznam.cz

Offered services

sex - anal sex, sex - oral sex, sex - kissing, sex - handjob, place - I'll meet you at my place, place - I'll come to you

By entering you agree to the terms and conditions .
You declare that you are 18 years of age or older.
This portal is intended for persons over 18 years of age.
If you are underage, do not enter.